SB 10.25.31
divi — in the heavens; deva-gaṇāḥ — the demigods; siddhāḥ — the Siddhas; sādhyāḥ — the Sādhyas; gandharva-cāraṇāḥ — the Gandharvas and Cāraṇas; tuṣṭuvuḥ — they recited the Lord’s praises; mumucuḥ — they released; tuṣṭāḥ — being satisfied; puṣpa-varṣāṇi — downpours of flowers; pārthiva — O King (Parīkṣit).
In the heavens, O King, all the demigods, including the Siddhas, Sādhyas, Gandharvas and Cāraṇas, sang the praises of Lord Kṛṣṇa and showered down flowers in great satisfaction.
The demigods in heaven were just as jubilant as the residents of Vṛndāvana, and thus a great universal festival took place.
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