SB 10.20.42
शरदर्कांशुजांस्तापान् भूतानामुडुपोऽहरत् ।
देहाभिमानजं बोधो मुकुन्दो व्रजयोषिताम् ॥ ४२ ॥
śarat-arka — of the autumn sun; aṁśu — from the rays; jān — generated; tāpān — suffering; bhūtānām — of all creatures; uḍupaḥ — the moon; aharat — has taken away; deha — with the material body; abhimāna-jam — based on false identification; bodhaḥ — wisdom; mukundaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; vraja-yoṣitām — of the women of Vṛndāvana.
The autumn moon relieved all creatures of the suffering caused by the sun’s rays, just as wisdom relieves a person of the misery caused by his identifying with his material body and as Lord Mukunda relieves Vṛndāvana’s ladies of the distress caused by their separation from Him.
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