
SB 10.19.8

तमापतन्तं परितो दवाग्निं
गोपाश्च गाव: प्रसमीक्ष्य भीता: ।
ऊचुश्च कृष्णं सबलं प्रपन्ना
यथा हरिं मृत्युभयार्दिता जना: ॥ ८ ॥


tam — that; āpatantam — setting upon them; paritaḥ — on all sides; dava-agnim — the forest fire; gopāḥ — the cowherd boys; ca — and; gāvaḥ — the cows; prasamīkṣya — intensely watching; bhītāḥ — afraid; ūcuḥ — they addressed; ca — and; kṛṣṇam — Lord Kṛṣṇa; sa-balam — and Lord Balarāma; prapannāḥ — taking shelter; yathā — as; harim — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; mṛtyu — of death; bhaya — by fear; arditāḥ — troubled; janāḥ — persons.


As the cows and cowherd boys stared at the forest fire attacking them on all sides, they became fearful. The boys then approached Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma for shelter, just as those who are disturbed by fear of death approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The boys addressed Them as follows.

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