SB 10.17.10
कृपया सौभरि: प्राह तत्रत्यक्षेममाचरन् ॥ १० ॥
mīnān — the fish; su-duḥkhitān — most unhappy; dṛṣṭvā — seeing; dīnān — wretched; mīna-patau — the lord of the fish; hate — being killed; kṛpayā — out of compassion; saubhariḥ — Saubhari; prāha — spoke; tatratya — for those living there; kṣemam — the welfare; ācaran — trying to enact.
Seeing how the unfortunate fish in that lake had become most unhappy at the death of their leader, Saubhari uttered the following curse under the impression that he was mercifully acting for the benefit of the lake’s residents.
In this regard Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura explains that when our so-called compassion does not tally with the order of the Supreme Lord, it merely causes a disturbance. Because Saubhari had forbidden Garuḍa’s coming to that lake, Kāliya moved in and made his headquarters there, and this spelled doom for all the lake’s residents.
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