
ŚB 3.5.1

अनिलोऽपि विकुर्वाणो नभसोरुबलान्वित: ।
ससर्ज रूपतन्मात्रं ज्योतिर्लोकस्य लोचनम् ॥ ३४ ॥


anilaḥ — air; - — also; vikurvāṇaḥ — being transformed; nabhasā — sky; uru-bala-anvitaḥ — extremely powerful; sasarja — created; rūpa — form; tat-mātram — sense perception; jyotiḥ — electricity; lokasya — of the world; locanam — light to see.


Thereafter the extremely powerful air, interacting with the sky, generated the form of sense perception, and the perception of form transformed into electricity, the light to see the world.

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