
ŚB 2.6.12

धर्मस्य मम तुभ्यं च कुमाराणां भवस्य च ।
विज्ञानस्य च सत्त्वस्य परस्यात्मा परायणम् ॥ १२ ॥


dharmasya — of religious principles, or of Yamarāja; mama — mine; tubhyam — of yours; ca — and; kumārāṇām — of the four Kumāras; bhavasya — Lord Śiva; ca — and also; vijñānasya — of transcendental knowledge; ca — also; sattvasya — of truth; parasya — of the great personality; ātmā — consciousness; parāyaṇam — dependent.


Also, the consciousness of that great personality is the abode of religious principles — mine, yours, and those of the four bachelors Sanaka, Sanātana, Sanat-kumāra and Sanandana. That consciousness is also the abode of truth and transcendental knowledge.

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