
ŚB 2.1.35

विज्ञानशक्तिं महिमामनन्ति
सर्वात्मनोऽन्त:करणं गिरित्रम् ।
अश्वाश्वतर्युष्ट्रगजा नखानि
सर्वे मृगा: पशव: श्रोणिदेशे ॥ ३५ ॥


vijñāna-śaktim — consciousness; mahim — the principle of matter; āmananti — they call it so; sarva-ātmanaḥ — of the omnipresent; antaḥ-karaṇam — ego; giritram — Rudra (Śiva); aśva — horse; aśvatari — mule; uṣṭra — camel; gajāḥ — elephant; nakhāni — nails; sarve — all other; mṛgāḥ — stags; paśavaḥ — quadrupeds; śroṇi-deśe — on the region of the belt.


The principle of matter [mahat-tattva] is the consciousness of the omnipresent Lord, as asserted by the experts, and Rudradeva is His ego. The horse, mule, camel and elephant are His nails, and wild animals and all quadrupeds are situated in the belt zone of the Lord.

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