ŚB 1.6.14
स्नात्वा पीत्वा ह्रदे नद्या उपस्पृष्टो गतश्रम: ॥ १४ ॥
pariśrānta — being tired; indriya — bodily; ātmā — mentally; aham — I; tṛṭ-parītaḥ — being thirsty; bubhukṣitaḥ — and hungry; snātvā — taking a bath; pītvā — and drinking water also; hrade — in the lake; nadyāḥ — of a river; upaspṛṣṭaḥ — being in contact with; gata — got relief from; śramaḥ — tiredness.
Thus traveling, I felt tired, both bodily and mentally, and I was both thirsty and hungry. So I took a bath in a river lake and also drank water. By contacting water, I got relief from my exhaustion.
A traveling mendicant can meet the needs of the body, namely thirst and hunger, by the gifts of nature without being a beggar at the doors of the householders. The mendicant therefore does not go to the house of a householder to beg but to enlighten him spiritually.
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