
ŚB 1.19.1

सूत उवाच
महीपतिस्त्वथ तत्कर्म गर्ह्यं
विचिन्तयन्नात्मकृतं सुदुर्मना: ।
अहो मया नीचमनार्यवत्कृतं
निरागसि ब्रह्मणि गूढतेजसि ॥ १ ॥


sūtaḥ uvāca — Sūta Gosvāmī said; mahī-patiḥ — the King; tu — but; atha — thus (while coming back home); tat — that; karma — act; garhyam — abominable; vicintayan — thus thinking; ātma-kṛtam — done by himself; su-durmanāḥ — very much depressed; aho — alas; mayā — by me; nīcam — heinous; anārya — uncivilized; vat — like; kṛtam — done; nirāgasi — unto one who is faultless; brahmaṇi — unto a brāhmaṇa; gūḍha — grave; tejasi — unto the powerful.


Śrī Sūta Gosvāmī said: While returning home, the King [Mahārāja Parīkṣit] felt that the act he had committed against the faultless and powerful brāhmaṇa was heinous and uncivilized. Consequently he was distressed.


The pious King regretted his accidental improper treatment of the powerful brāhmaṇa, who was faultless. Such repentance is natural for a good man like the King, and such repentance delivers a devotee from all kinds of sins accidentally committed. The devotees are naturally faultless. Accidental sins committed by a devotee are sincerely regretted, and by the grace of the Lord all sins unwillingly committed by a devotee are burnt in the fire of repentance.

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