
Song Name: Krpa Koro Vaisnava Thakura
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Kalyana Kalpataru (Section: Ucchvasa: Prarthana Lalasmayi Song 8)

kṛpā koro vaiṣṇava ṭhākura, sambandha jāniyā
bhajite bhajite, abhimāna hau dūra
‘āmi to vaiṣṇava’, e buddhi hoile, amānī nā ho’bo āmi
pratiṣthāśā āsi’, hṛdoya dūṣibe, hoibo niraya-gāmī
tomāra kińkora, āpane jānibo, ‘guru’-abhimāna tyaji’
tomāra ucchiṣṭha, pada-jala-reṇu, sadā niṣkapaṭe bhaji
‘nije śreṣṭha’ jani, ucchiṣṭthādi dāne, ho’be abhimāna bhāra
tāi śiṣya taba, thākiyā sarvadā, nā loibo pūjā kā’r
amānī mānada, hoile kīrtane, adhikāra dibe tumi
tomāra caraṇe, niṣkapaṭe āmi, kāńdiyā luṭibo bhūmi


1) O Vaisnava Thakura! Please give me your mercy – knowledge of my relationship with Bhagavan and the ability to do bhajana, sending my false ego far away.

2) If I think “I am a Vaisnava,” then I will never become humble. My heart will become contaminated with the hope of receiving honor from others, and I will surely go to hell.

3) Give me the mercy that I can renounce the false conception of my being guru and can be your servant. Let me accept without duplicity your remnants and your foot-bath water.

4) By thinking that I am superior (guru) and giving my remnants to others, I will bring about my destruction. Let me always identify as your disciple and not accept any worship or praise from others.

5) In this way I can renounce the desire for honor for myself and can offer respect to others. Weeping sincerely at your lotus feet and rolling on the ground, I pray that you will give me the ability to chant nama purely.

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