
Song Name: Jaya Jaya Sri Krsna Caitanya Nityananda
Author: Narottama Das Thakura
Book Name: Prarthana (Section: Lalasa Song 9)

jaya jaya śrī kṛṣṇa caitanya nityānanda;
jayādvaita-candra jaya gaura bhakta vrṇda
kṛpā kori sabe mili koroho karuṇā
adhama patita jane nā koriho ghṛṇā
e tin saṁsāra mājhe tuyā pada sāra
bhāviyā dekhinu mane gati nāhi ār
se pada pāwār āśe kheda uṭhe mone
vyākul hṛdoy sadā koriye krandane
ki rūpe pāibo kichu nā pāi sandhāna;
prabhu lokanātha pada nāhiko smaraṇa
tumi to doyāl prabhu cāho ekabār;
narottama hṛdayera ghucāo andhakār


1) O Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all glories to You.  O Prabhu Nityananda, all glories to You.  O Lord Advaitacandra, all glories to You.  O devotees of Lord Gauranga, all glories to you all.

2) I beg all of you to please be merciful to me.  Please do not despise or reject this most fallen person who is approaching You all.

3) Your lotus feet are the most valuable thing in this material world.  I always see Your lotus feet within my mind.  I have no other goal.

4) I hope to one day attain Your lotus feet, and this causes great pain to arise within my mind.  I constantly cry my heart full of suffering.

5) I do not see how I will ever be able to attain Your lotus feet.  I do not see how I can always remember the lotus feet of Lokanatha Gosvami, my spiritual master.

6) O master, if you are at all merciful to me, then please glance upon me one time.  Please dispel the darkness in Narottama dasa’s heart.

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