SB 10.55.6
नारदोऽकथयत् सर्वं तस्या: शङ्कितचेतस: ।
बालस्य तत्त्वमुत्पत्तिं मत्स्योदरनिवेशनम् ॥ ६ ॥
dṛṣṭvā — seeing; tat — in its; udare — belly; bālam — a child; māyāvatyai — to Māyāvatī; nyavedayan — they gave; nāradaḥ — Nārada Muni; akathayat — related; sarvam — all; tasyāḥ — to her; śaṅkita — astonished; cetasaḥ — whose mind; bālasya — of the child; tattvam — the facts; utpattim — the birth; matsya — of the fish; udara — in the abdomen; niveśanam — the entrance.
Seeing a male child in the belly of the fish, the cooks gave the infant to Māyāvatī, who was astonished. Nārada Muni then appeared and explained to her everything about the child’s birth and His entering the fish’s abdomen.
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