
SB 10.46.8

प्राप्तो नन्दव्रजं श्रीमान् निम्‍लोचति विभावसौ ।
छन्नयान: प्रविशतां पशूनां खुररेणुभि: ॥ ८ ॥


prāptaḥ — reaching; nanda-vrajam — the pastures of Nanda Mahārāja; śrīmān — the fortunate (Uddhava); nimlocati — while it was setting; vibhāvasau — the sun; channa — invisible; yānaḥ — whose passing; praviśatām — who were entering; paśūnām — of the animals; khura — of the hooves; reṇubhiḥ — by the dust.


The fortunate Uddhava reached Nanda Mahārāja’s pastures just as the sun was setting, and since the returning cows and other animals were raising dust with their hooves, his chariot passed unnoticed.

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