
SB 10.37.8

तद्देहत: कर्कटिकाफलोपमाद्
व्यसोरपाकृष्य भुजं महाभुज: ।
अविस्मितोऽयत्नहतारिक: सुरै:
प्रसूनवर्षैर्वर्षद्‌भिरीडित: ॥ ८ ॥


tat-dehataḥ — from Keśī’s body; karkaṭikā-phala — a karkaṭikā fruit; upamāt — which resembled; vyasoḥ — from which the vital airs had departed; apākṛṣya — withdrawing; bhujam — His arm; mahā-bhujaḥ — the mighty-armed Lord; avismitaḥ — without undue pride; ayatna — without effort; hata — having killed; arikaḥ — His enemy; suraiḥ — by the demigods; prasūna — of flowers; varṣaiḥ — with downpours; varṣadbhiḥ — who were raining upon Him; īḍitaḥ — worshiped.


The mighty-armed Kṛṣṇa withdrew His arm from Keśī’s body, which now appeared like a long karkaṭikā fruit. Without the least display of pride at having so effortlessly killed His enemy, the Lord accepted the demigods’ worship in the form of flowers rained down from above.

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