
SB 10.37.4

तद् वञ्चयित्वा तमधोक्षजो रुषा
प्रगृह्य दोर्भ्यां परिविध्य पादयो: ।
सावज्ञमुत्सृज्य धनु:शतान्तरे
यथोरगं तार्क्ष्यसुतो व्यवस्थित: ॥ ४ ॥


tat — that; vañcayitvā — avoiding; tam — him; adhokṣajaḥ — the transcendental Lord; ruṣā — angrily; pragṛhya — seizing; dorbhyām — with His arms; parividhya — whirling around; pādayoḥ — by the legs; sa-avajñam — contemptuously; utsṛjya — discarding; dhanuḥ — of bow-lengths; śata — one hundred; antare — to the distance; yathā — as; uragam — a snake; tārkṣya — of Kardama Muni; sutaḥ — the son (Garuḍa); vyavasthitaḥ — standing.


But the transcendental Lord dodged Keśī’s blow and then with His arms angrily seized the demon by the legs, whirled him around in the air and contemptuously threw him the distance of one hundred bow-lengths, just as Garuḍa might throw a snake. Lord Kṛṣṇa then stood there.

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