SB 10.27.27
kṛṣṇe — Lord Kṛṣṇa; abhiṣikte — having been bathed; etāni — these; sarvāṇi — all; kuru-nandana — O beloved of the Kuru dynasty; nirvairāṇi — free from enmity; abhavan — became; tāta — my dear Parīkṣit; krūrāṇi — vicious; - — although; nisargataḥ — by nature.
O Parīkṣit, beloved of the Kuru dynasty, upon the ceremonial bathing of Lord Kṛṣṇa, all living creatures, even those cruel by nature, became entirely free of enmity.
Those corrupted by a type of sophisticated cynicism may mock these descriptions of a paradisiacal world situation effected simply by worshiping the Supreme Lord. Unfortunately, modern man has created a hell on earth in his cynical rejection of heaven on earth, which is actually possible through Kṛṣṇa consciousness. The situation described here, created simply by the auspicious bathing ceremony of the Lord, is an authentic historical incident. Since history repeats itself, there is hope that the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement may again bring the world community to the brilliant reality of self-realized existence.
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