
SB 10.39.1

श्रीशुक उवाच
सुखोपविष्ट: पर्यङ्के रामकृष्णोरुमानित: ।
लेभे मनोरथान्सर्वान्पथि यन् स चकार ह ॥ १ ॥


śrī-śukaḥ uvāca — Śukadeva Gosvāmī said; sukha — comfortably; upaviṣṭaḥ — seated; paryaṅke — on a couch; rāma-kṛṣṇa — by Lord Balarāma and Lord Kṛṣṇa; uru — very much; mānitaḥ — honored; lebhe — he attained; manaḥ-rathān — his desires; sarvān — all; pathi — on the road; yān — which; - — he; cakāra ha — had manifested.


Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Having been honored so much by Lord Balarāma and Lord Kṛṣṇa, Akrūra, seated comfortably on a couch, felt that all the desires he had contemplated on the road were now fulfilled.

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