
SB 4.13.2

विदुर उवाच
के ते प्रचेतसो नाम कस्यापत्यानि
सुव्रत ।
कस्यान्ववाये प्रख्याता: कुत्र वा सत्रमासत ॥ २ ॥


viduraḥ uvāca — Vidura inquired; ke — who were; te — they; pracetasaḥ — the Pracetās; nāma — of the name; kasya — whose; apatyāni — sons; su-vrata — O Maitreya, who have taken an auspicious vow; kasya — whose; anvavāye — in the family; prakhyātāḥ — famous; kutra — where; vā — also; satram — the sacrifice; āsata — was performed.


Vidura inquired from Maitreya: O greatly advanced devotee, who were the Pracetās? To which family did they belong? Whose sons were they, and where did they perform the great sacrifices?


The great Nārada’s singing, in the previous chapter, of three verses in the sacrificial arena of the Pracetās gave another impetus to Vidura to ask further questions.

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