SB 12.9.14
प्रभञ्जनाघूर्णितवार्महार्णव: ।
आपूर्यमाणो वरषद्भिरम्बुदै:
क्ष्मामप्यधाद् द्वीपवर्षाद्रिभि: समम् ॥ १४ ॥
tasya — while he; evam — in this way; udvīkṣataḥ — was looking on; ūrmi — with its waves; bhīṣaṇaḥ — frightening; prabhañjana — by hurricane winds; āghūrṇita — swirled around; vāḥ — its water; mahā-arṇavaḥ — the great ocean; āpūryamānaḥ — becoming filled; varaṣadbhiḥ — with rain; ambu-daiḥ — by the clouds; kṣmām — the earth; apyadhāt — covered over; dvīpa — with its islands; varṣa — continents; adribhiḥ — and mountains; samam — together.
Even as Mārkaṇḍeya looked on, the rain pouring down from the clouds filled the ocean more and more until that great sea, its waters violently whipped into terrifying waves by hurricanes, covered up all the earth’s islands, mountains and continents.
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