
SB 12.9.5

गृहीत्वाजादयो यस्य श्रीमत्पादाब्जदर्शनम् ।
मनसा योगपक्वेन स भवान् मेऽक्षिगोचर: ॥ ५ ॥


gṛhītvā — receiving; aja-ādayaḥ — (became) Brahmā and others; yasya — whose; śrīmat — all-opulent; pāda-abja — of the lotus feet; darśanam — the sight; manasā — by the mind; yoga-pakvena — matured in yoga practice; - — He; bhavān — Yourself; me — my; akṣi — to the eyes; go-caraḥ — perceptible.


Such demigods as Lord Brahmā achieved their exalted positions simply by seeing Your beautiful lotus feet after their minds had become mature in yoga practice. And now, my Lord, You have personally appeared before me.


Mārkaṇḍeya Ṛṣi points out that exalted demigods like Lord Brahmā achieved their positions simply by glimpsing the Lord’s lotus feet, and yet Mārkaṇḍeya Ṛṣi was now able to see Lord Kṛṣṇa’s entire body. Thus he could not even imagine the extent of his good fortune.

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