SB 4.5.26
जुहावैतच्छिरस्तस्मिन्दक्षिणाग्नावमर्षित: ।
तद्देवयजनं दग्ध्वा प्रातिष्ठद् गुह्यकालयम् ॥ २६ ॥
juhāva — sacrificed as an oblation; etat — that; śiraḥ — head; tasmin — in that; dakṣiṇa-agnau — in the sacrificial fire on the southern side; amarṣitaḥ — Vīrabhadra, being greatly angry; tat — of Dakṣa; deva-yajanam — the arrangements for the sacrifice to the demigods; dagdhvā — having set fire; prātiṣṭhat — departed; guhyaka-ālayam — to the abode of the Guhyakas (Kailāsa).
Vīrabhadra then took the head and with great anger threw it into the southern side of the sacrificial fire, offering it as an oblation. In this way the followers of Lord Śiva devastated all the arrangements for sacrifice. After setting fire to the whole arena, they departed for their master’s abode, Kailāsa.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Fourth Canto, Fifth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Frustration of the Sacrifice of Dakṣa.”
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