SB 4.5.11
अमर्षयित्वा तमसह्यतेजसं
मन्युप्लुतं दुर्निरीक्ष्यं भ्रुकुट्या ।
स्यात्स्वस्ति किं कोपयतो विधातु: ॥ ११ ॥
amarṣayitvā — after causing to become angry; tam — him (Lord Śiva); asahya-tejasam — with an unbearable effulgence; manyu-plutam — filled with anger; durnirīkṣyam — not able to be looked at; bhru-kuṭyā — by the movement of his brows; karāla-daṁṣṭrābhiḥ — by his fearful teeth; udasta-bhāgaṇam — having scattered the luminaries; syāt — there should be; svasti — good fortune; kim — how; kopayataḥ — causing (Lord Śiva) to be angry; vidhātuḥ — of Brahmā.
The gigantic black man bared his fearful teeth. By the movements of his brows he scattered the luminaries all over the sky, and he covered them with his strong, piercing effulgence. Because of the misbehavior of Dakṣa, even Lord Brahmā, Dakṣa’s father, could not have been saved from the great exhibition of anger.
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