SB 12.3.28
तदा त्रेता रजोवृत्तिरिति जानीहि बुद्धिमन् ॥ २८ ॥
yadā — when; karmasu — in duties; kāmyeṣu — based on selfish desire; bhaktiḥ — devotion; yaśasi — in honor; dehinām — of the embodied souls; tadā — then; tretā — the age of Tretā; rajaḥ-vṛttiḥ — predominated by activities in the mode of passion; iti — thus; jānīhi — you should understand; buddhi-man — O intelligent King Parīkṣit.
O most intelligent one, when the conditioned souls are devoted to their duties but have ulterior motives and seek personal prestige, you should understand such a situation to be the age of Tretā, in which the functions of passion are prominent.
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