SB 4.2.11
एष मे शिष्यतां प्राप्तो यन्मे दुहितुरग्रहीत् ।
पाणिं विप्राग्निमुखत: सावित्र्या इव साधुवत् ॥ ११ ॥
eṣaḥ — he (Śiva); me — my; śiṣyatām — subordinate position; prāptaḥ — accepted; yat — because; me duhituḥ — of my daughter; agrahīt — he took; pāṇim — the hand; vipra-agni — of brāhmaṇas and fire; mukhataḥ — in the presence; sāvitryāḥ — Gāyatrī; iva — like; sādhuvat — like an honest person.
He has already accepted himself as my subordinate by marrying my daughter in the presence of fire and brāhmaṇas. He has married my daughter, who is equal to Gāyatrī, and has pretended to be just like an honest person.
Dakṣa’s statement that Lord Śiva pretended to be an honest person means that Śiva was dishonest because in spite of accepting the position of Dakṣa’s son-in-law, he was not respectful to Dakṣa.
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