ŚB 1.18.42
सम्मातुमर्हस्यविपक्वबुद्धे ।
यत्तेजसा दुर्विषहेण गुप्ता
विन्दन्ति भद्राण्यकुतोभया: प्रजा: ॥ ४२ ॥
na — never; vai — as a matter of fact; nṛbhiḥ — by any man; nara-devam — unto a man-god; para-ākhyam — who is transcendental; sammātum — place on equal footing; arhasi — by the prowess; avipakva — unripe or immature; buddhe — intelligence; yat — of whom; tejasā — by the prowess; durviṣaheṇa — unsurpassable; guptāḥ — protected; vindanti — enjoys; bhadrāṇi — all prosperity; akutaḥ-bhayāḥ — completely defended; prajāḥ — the subjects.
O my boy, your intelligence is immature, and therefore you have no knowledge that the king, who is the best amongst human beings, is as good as the Personality of Godhead. He is never to be placed on an equal footing with common men. The citizens of the state live in prosperity, being protected by his unsurpassable prowess.
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