
Song Name: Hari Hari Biphale Janama
Official Name: Ista Deve Vijnapti (Prayer to One's Beloved Lord)
Author: Narottama Das Thakura
Book Name: Prarthana (Section: Dainya Bodhika Song 2)

hari hari! bifale janama goṅāinu
manuṣya-janama pāiyā, rādhā-kṛṣṇa nā bhajiyā,
jāniyā śuniyā biṣa khāinu
golokera prema-dhana, hari-nāma-saṅkīrtana,
rati nā janmilo kene tāy
saṁsāra-biṣānale, dibā-niśi hiyā jwale,
jurāite nā koinu upāy
brajendra-nandana jei, śacī-suta hoilo sei,
balarāma hoilo nitāi
dīna-hīna yata chilo, hari-nāme uddhārilo,
tāra śākṣī jagāi mādhāi
hā hā prabhu nanda-suta, vṛṣabhānu-sutā-yuta,
koruṇā karoho ei-bāro
narottama-dāsa koy, nā ṭheliho rāṅgā pāy,
tomā bine ke āche āmāra


1) O Lord Hari I have spent my life uselessly. Having obtained a human birth and having not worshiped Radha and Krsna, I have knowingly drunk poison.

2) The treasure of divine love in Goloka Vrndavana has descended as the congregational chanting of Lord Hari’s holy names. Why did my attraction for that chanting never come about? Day and night my heart burns from the fire of the poison of worldliness, and I have not taken the means to relieve it.

3) Lord Krsna, who is the son of the King of Vraja, became the son of Saci (Lord Caitanya), and Balarama became Nitai. The holy name delivered all those souls who were lowly and wretched. The two sinners Jagai and Madhai are evidence of this.

4) O Lord Krsna, son of Nanda, accompanied by the daughter of Vrsabhanu, please be merciful to me now. Narottama Dasa says, “O Lord, please do not push me away from Your reddish lotus feet, for who is my beloved except for You?”

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