
Song Name: Madana Mohana Tanu Gauranga Sundara
Author: Vrndavana Dasa Thakura ​

madana-mohana tanu gauranga sundara
lalate tilaka sobho urdhwe manohara

tri-kaccha basana sobhe kutila-kuntala
prakrta nayana du-i parama cancala
sukla-yajna-sutra sobhe bediya sarire
suksma-rupe ananta ye hena kalebara

adhare tambula hase adhara capiya
yaga brndabana dasa se-rupa nichiya


1) Graceful Lord Gauranga is more enchanting than Kamadeva. Glistening Vaisnava tilaka adorns His forheead.

2) He wears glorious trikaccha garments. His hair is curly. His two eyes are naturally restless.

3) Manifesting a very slender form, Lord Ananta has become His white sacred-thread.

4) On His lips rest betel nuts and a smile. Vrndavana dasa worships Him.

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