
Song Name: Kusumita Vrndavane Nacata Sikhi Gane
Author: Narottama Das Thakura
Book Name: Prarthana (Section: Swabhista Lalasa Song 6)

kusumita vṛndāvane, nācata śikhigaṇe
pika kula bhramara jhańkāre
priya sahacarī sańge, gāiyā jāibe rańge
manohara nikuñja kuṭīre

hari hari manoratha phalibe āmāre?
duhuka manthara gati, kautuke herabo ati,
ańge bhori pulaka antare
caudike sakhīra mājhe, rādhikāra ińgite,
ciruṇī loiyā kore kori
kuṭila kuntala sab, vithāriyā āńca-dibo,
bonāibo vicitra kabarī
mṛgamada malayaja, sab ańge lepabo,
porāibo manohara hār
candana kuńkume, tilaka basāibo,
herabo mukha sudhākara
nīla paṭṭāmbara, jatane porāibo,
pāye dibo ratana mañjīre
bhṛńgārera jale rāńgā, caraṇa dhowāibo
muchabo āpan cikure
kusuma kamala dale, śeja bichāibo,
śayana korā;bo dońhākāre
dhavala cāmara āni, mṛdu mṛdu bījabo,
charamita duhuka śarīre
kanaka sampuṭa kori, karpūra tāmbūla bhori,
jogāibo dońhāra vadane
adhara sudhārase, tāmbūla suvāse,
bhunjabo adhika jatane
śrī guru karuṇā sindhu, lokanā;tha dīna bandhu,
mui dine koro avadhāna
rādhā-kṛṣṇa vṛndāvana, priya narma sakhīgaṇa,
narottama māge ei dāna


1) Vrndavana is filled with blossoming flowers, the dancing of peacocks and the sounds of cuckoos and bumble-bees.  When, in the association of the dear gopis, will I melodiously sing in a charming cottage in a grove of Vrndavana?

2) When, seeing the slowly and gracefully moving Divine Couple, will my hairs stand on end because of the ecstasy in my heart?

3) When, in the company of the gopis, will Srimati Radharani gesture that she wants me to comb her hair, and when will I then take the comb in my hand, and carefully comb her curling locks?

4) When will I anoint Srimati Radharani’s limbs with sandalwood paste and musk?  When will I give her beautiful garlands?  When will I gaze on her moonlike face as I decorate it with tilaka markings drawn in sandalwood paste and kunkuma?

5) When will I carefully dress Srimati Radharani in blue garments?  When will I place jewelled anklets on her feet?  When will I take water from a jar and wash her reddish lotus feet?  When will I then dry her feet using my own hair as a towel?

6) When will I make a couch of lotus petals for the Divine Couple?  When will I gently fan Them with a white camara whisk?

7) When from a golden box will I take betel-nuts and camphor, and place them in the lotus mouths of the Divine Couple?  When will I carefully chew the aromatic remnants of such betel-nuts, which have become mixed with nectar from mouths of the Divine Couple?

8) O Lokanatha Gosvami, O my spiritual master, O friend of the poor and wretched conditioned souls, O ocean of mercy, please hear the appeal of this person who is very miserable and poor-hearted.  O Radha and Krsna, O holy land of Vrndavana, O intimate gopi-friends of the Divine Couple, I beg that you all grant this charity to me.  Please fulfil these desires.

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