
Song Name: Gurau Gosthe Gosthalayisu
Official Name: Manah Siksa
Author: Raghunatha Dasa Goswami
Book Name: Stavavali

gurau goṣṭhe goṣṭhālayiṣu sujane bhūsura-gaṇe
sva-mantre śrī-nāmni vraja-nava-yuva-dvandva-śaraṇe
sadā dambham- hitvā kuru ratim apūrvām atitarāṁ
aye svāntardhātas” caṭubhir abhiyāce dhṛta-padaḥ
na dharmam- nādharmam- śruti-gaṇa-niruktam- kila kuru
vraje rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pracura-paricaryām iha tanuḥ
śacī-sūnum- nandīśvara-pati-sutatve guru-varaṁ
mukunda-preṣṭhatve smara padam ajasram- nanu manaḥ
yadīccher āvāsam- vraja-bhuvi sa-rāgam- prati-janur
yuva-dvandvam- tā cet paricaritum ārād abhilaṣe
svarūpam- śrī-rūpam- sa-gaṇam iha tasyāgrajam -
sphuṭam- premṇā nityam- smara nama tadā tvam- śṛṇu manaḥ
asad-vārtā-veṣyā visṛja mati-sarvasva-haraṇīḥ
kathā mukti-vyāghryā na śṛṇu kila sarvātma-gilaṇīḥ
- tyaktvā lakṣmī-pati-ratim ito vyoma-nayanīṁ
vraje rādhā-kṛṣṇau sva-rati-maṇi-dau tvam- bhaja manaḥ
asā-ceṣṭā-kaṣṭa-prada-vikaṭa-pāśālibhir iha
prakāmam- kāmādi-prakaṭa-pathapāti-vyatikaraiḥ
gale baddhvā hanye ‘ham iti bakabhid vartmapa-gaṇe
kuru tvam- phutkārān avati sa yathā tvam- mana itaḥ
are cetaḥ prodyat-kapaṭa-kuṭi-nāṭi-bhara-khara-
kṣaran-mūtre snātvā dahasi katham ātmānam - mām
sadā tvam- gāndharvā-giridhari-pada-prema-vilasat-
sudhāmbhodhau snātvā svam - nitarām- mām- ca sukhaya
pratiṣṭhāśā dhṛṣṭā svapaca-ramaṇī me hṛdi naṭet
katham- sādhu-premā spṛśati śucir etan nanu manaḥ
sadā tvam- sevasva prabhu-dayita-sāmantam atulaṁ
yathā tām- niṣkāsya tvaritam iha tam- veṣayati saḥ
yathā duṣṭatvam- me darayati śaṭhasyāpi kṛpayā
yathā mahyam- premāmṛtam - dadāty ujjvalam asau
yathā śrī-gāndharvā-bhajana-vidhaye prerayati māṁ
tathā goṣṭhe kākvā giridharam iha tvam- bhaja manaḥ
mad-īśā-nāthatve vraja-vipina-candram- vraja-vane-
śvarīm- tan-nāthatve tad-atula-sakhītve tu lalitām
viśākhām- śikṣālī-vitaraṇa-gurutve priya-saro-
girindrau tat-prekṣā-lalita-rati-datve smara manaḥ
ratim- gaurī-līle - tapati saundarya-kiraṇaiḥ
śacī-lakṣmī-satyāḥ paribhavati saubhāgya-balanaiḥ
vaśī-kārais” candrāvalī-mukha-navīna-vraja-satīḥ
kṣipaty ārād yā tam- hari-dayita-rādhām- bhaja manaḥ
samam- śrī-rūpeṇa smara-vivaśa-rādhā-giribhṛtor
vraje sākṣāt-sevā-labhana-vidhaye tad-gaṇa-yujoḥ
tad-ijyākhyā-dhyāna-śravaṇa-nati-pañcāmṛtam idaṁ
dhayan nityā govardhanam anudinam- tvam- bhaja manaḥ
manaḥ-śikṣā-daikādaśaka-varam etam- madhurayā
girā gāyaty uccaiḥ samadhi-gata-sarvārtha-tati yaḥ
sa-yūthaḥ śrī-rūpānuga iha bhavan gokula-vane
jano rādhā-kṛṣṇātula-bhajana-ratnam- sa labhate


1) O mind, I grasp your feet and beg you with sweet words: Please cast away all hypocrisy and develop intense, unprecedented love for my spiritual master, Vrajabhumi, the people of Vraja, the Vaisnavas, the brahmanas, the Gayatri mantra, the holy name, and the transcendental shelter that is the fresh young couple of Vraja, Radha and Krsna.

2) O Mind, don’t concern yourself with the pious and impious deeds described in the Vedas. Rather, intently serve Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in Vraja. Always remember that Lord Caitanya is the son of Maharaja Nanda and that my guru is most dear to Lord Mukunda.

3) O Mind, just listen to me! If you desire to reside in Vraja birth after birth, and if you desire to directly serve the divine youthful couple there with great attraction, then with intense love always remember and bow down to Srila Svarupa Damodara Gosvami; to Srila Rupa Gosvami and his elder brother, Srila Sanatana Gosvami; and to all their associates and followers.

4) O mind, give up friendship with nondevotees, which is nothing but a prostitute who will steal the treasure of your heart–your desire to serve Radha-Krsna. Don’t listen to talks of impersonal liberation, which are a tigress who devours everyone. You should even give up attraction for Lord Narayana, which leads to the world of Vaikuntha. Instead, O mind, just worship Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in Vraja, for They bestow upon their worshipers the jewel of pure love for Themselves.

5) The highwaymen of lust and his friends have bound me around the neck with the painful, horrible, powerful ropes of many wicked deeds. O mind, please scream out to the devotees of Krsna, the killer of Baka, “I am being killed!” Then He will save me.

6) O Mind, why do you burn us both by bathing in the urine trickling from the ass of great deviousness and hypocrisy? Instead, you should delight us by eternally bathing in the glistening nectar-ocean of pure love for Sri Sri Gandharva-Giridhari (Sri Sri Radha-Krsna).

7) As long as the impudent untouchable woman of the desire for fame dances in my heart, why should pure love for Radha-Krsna touch me? O mind, continuously serve my spiritual master, the leader of those who are dear to the Lord. Then my master will quickly kick out that harridan and allow that pure love to enter.

8) So That He will mercifully smash my wickedness (even though I am a great rascal), so that He will give me the splendid nectar of transcendental love, and so He will engage me in Sri Radha’s service, please, O mind, with words choked with emotion, worship Lord Giridhari here in Vraja.

9) O mind, please meditate on Krsna, the moon of Vraja forest, as the Lord of my controller, Srimati Radharani. And please meditate upon Srimati Radharani, the queen of Vraja forest, as Krsna’s controller. Also please meditate upon Lalita as the peerless friend of Radha and Krsna, Visakha as the guru who teaches Them many things, and Radha-kunda and Govardhana Hill as two places the mere sight of which bestows charming transcendental love for the divine couple.

10) O mind, please worship Lord Hari’s beloved Radha. with the splendor of Her beauty She makes Rati, Gauri, and Lila burn with envy, with the power of Her good fortune She defeats Saci, Laksmi, and Satyabhama, and with Her ability to control Krsna She completely eclipses Candravali and the other pious young girls of Vraja.

11) O mind, in order to attain the direct service of the two divine lovers, Sri Sri Radha-Giridhari, in the company of Their friends, every day you must constantly drink, with Sri Rupa Gosvami, the five nectars of worshiping Them, chanting Their names, meditating on Them, hearing about Them, and bowing down before Them, and every day you must worship Govardhana Hill.

12) These eleven excellent instructions to the mind grant all spiritual benedictions. A person who stays with the devotees, follows Srila Rupa Gosvami, and with a sweet voice loudly sings these eleven verses will attain the matchless jewel of direct service to Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in the forest of Gokula.

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