
Song Name: Ami To’ Durjana Ati Sada Duracar
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Kalyana Kalpataru (Section: Ucchvasa:Prarthana Dainyamayi Song 2)

ami to’ durjana ati sada duracar
koti koti janme mor nahiko uddhar
e heno doyalu kebae jagate ache
emata pamare uddhariya la’be kache?
suniyachi, sri-caitanya patita-pavana
ananta-pataki jane korila mocana
emata doyar sindhu krpa bitariya
kabe uddharibe more sri-caranan diya?
eibar bujha ja’be karuna tomar
jadi e pamara-jane koribe uddhar
karma nai, jnana nai, krsna-bhakti nai
tabe bolo’ kirupe o sri-carana pai
bharasa amar matra koruna tomar
ahaituki se koruna beder bicar
tumi to’ pavitra-pada, ami durasoy
kemone tomar pade paibo asroy?
kandiya kandiya bole’ e patita char
patita-pavana nama prasiddha tomar


1) I am certainly the most wicked person, always performing sinful actions. For millions and millions of births I have not been able to gain release from this predicament.

2) Who is so merciful within this material universe as to pick such a sinner up and take me close to Himself?

3) But I have heard about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Who is known as the deliverer of the most fallen. Innumerable sinners have already been freed by Him.

4) Such an ocean of compassion He is, Who is distributing His own causeless mercy! When will He deliver me by bestowing upon me His own Divine Lotus Feet?

5) Oh Lord! Now I will really understand the extent of Your compassion only if You are able to deliver this most sinful person.

6) By what means will I get those lotus feet since I am completely bereft of fruitive activities, bereft of knowledge, and bereft of any kind of devotion to Krsna?

7) My only hope is Your compassion, for the opinion of all the Vedas is that Your compassion is causeless.

8) You are the very abode of purity, and I am most wicked and evil-minded. So how will I attain the shelter of Your lotus feet?

9) Weeping and weeping, this fallen and most contemptible person says: “Dear Lord, all I know is that Your most celebrated name is Patita-Pavana, the deliverer of the fallen”.

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