

the sober — Bg. 2.13
steady — Bg. 14.22-25, ŚB 3.27.28-29
undisturbed — ŚB 1.13.26
self-controlled — ŚB 1.19.17, ŚB 2.1.16
the pacified — ŚB 2.1.20
the fully satisfied — ŚB 2.2.16
sober, not disturbed — ŚB 3.24.44
steadfast — ŚB 3.31.47
sober — ŚB 4.29.82, ŚB 9.21.14, ŚB 10.88.10, ŚB 11.7.37, NOI 1
(he can become) a most perfect, sober person. — ŚB 7.9.45
the most learned person, Mahārāja Ambarīṣa — ŚB 9.5.26
sober. — ŚB 10.33.39
serious — ŚB 10.52.3
one who has sober intelligence — ŚB 11.9.29
an intelligent person. — ŚB 11.11.20
one who is steady by knowledge — ŚB 11.12.24
being grave and self-controlled — ŚB 11.14.36-42
fearless — ŚB 11.17.45
a saintly person — ŚB 11.18.31
one who is sober because of advanced devotional service. — CC Antya 5.48

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