SODASHOPACARA Puja for Sri Sri Gaur Nitai
[A] Preparation for Worship (pürväìga-karma)
(A)Required Paraphernalia (Achaman patra & Bell with stand)
(i)Reception (Asanam, Svagatam, Padyam, Arghyam, Achaman, Madhuparkah)
(ii)Bathing & Dressing (Oil, Danta Kastha, Bathiāng Kalash & Conchshell, Bathing tub, Gopi Chandan paste, cotton, Handkerchief, Towels, dress, jewellery, Pins, blu-tak, garlands)
(iii)Worship (Sanāāāaāādalwood paste, Tulasi leaves, Flowers, Incense, Ghee lamp, Naivadyam)
(B)Establishing Samänya-arghya (samänya-arghya-sthäpana): (NOT REQUIRED AS IT IS ALREADY PERFORMED BY THE PUJARIS)
(C) Establishing a Place for Worship (äsana-sthäpana): (START FROM HERE)
In the Deity room, clean the area where you will do the worship, wash your hands, place the äsana in position(DO NOT EVER MOVE THE ASANA WITH YOUR FEET) for performing the worship, and while kneeling(NEAR ASANA & NOT ON ASANA) with praëäma-mudrä (joined palms), Chant

O Mother Earth, O goddess, you support all the world’s people, and Lord Viñëu sustains you; please be merciful today and support me as I sit to worship the Lord.
• Thinking that your spiritual master is sitting on an äsana to perform the worship, sit on your own äsana.
D) Arranging the Paraphernalia for Worship (pätra-sthäpana):
• Arrange the items in such a way that you can easily reach them without touching offered to unoffered items.
• Place the bell (on a plate) to your left, and place the bathing conch on a stand so you can easily lift and replace it several times. Also, the waterpot, flowers, candana, and tulasi leaves should be within easy reach.
• Bathing towels should be placed on a tray, table or the altar, not on your lap or directly on the floor.
•There should be a separate box or tray for keeping the previous day dress, towels, crown, etc & should not be mixed with the fresh dress.

(E) Requesting the Spiritual Master’s and Previous Äcäryas’ Blessings (guru-paìkti-namaskära)
• Draw the attention of your spiritual master by placing flowers before him (puñpäïjali) while chanting eña puñpäïjaliù and the guru-müla-mantra. Then, meditating on your spiritual master’s service to the previous äcäryas, show the praëäma-mudrä (joined palms),
And chant:

Jaya çré-kåñëa-caitanya …
Hare Kåñëa, Hare Kåñëa …
(F) Purifying the Hands (kara-suddhi)
• Preferably remove your watch and rings from the fingers so that Lord’s lotus body is not hurt while bathing and drying.
• Smear your hands lightly with candana.
(G) Purifying the Flowers (puñpa-çuddhi)
• Perform prokñaëa by sprinkling the flowers with samänya-arghya water while chanting oà asträya phaö.
• While touching the flowers with the fingers of your right hand, held in béjäkñara-mudrä, chant:

O flowers, O great and auspicious flowers who have appeared from a budding creeper, May you be purified.
(H) Purifying the Lord’s Paraphernalia (dravya-çuddhi);
• Keep the Tulasi leaves, Madhuparka cup(if Tulasi leaves are already put in it) and Bathing water Kalash out of plate because these items do not require purification. (wherever Tulasi is present, it’s considered all pure)
• Do prokñaëa by sprinkling all the paraphernalia lightly with samänya-arghya water while chanting oà asträya phaö.
• Chant the kléà béja eight times (for specific deity) silently while holding béjäkñara-mudrä over the articles.
• Put Tulasi leaves with little candana in the padya and arghya pots.
• Do not touch the water with the finger nails.
(I)Purifying Oneself by Sprinkling Water (atma-çuddhi)
• Do prokñaëa by sprinkling yourself lightly with samänya-arghya water while chanting the gopäla-mantra (the sixth guru-given mantra) once.
[B] Preliminary Worship
(A) Worshiping the Lord’s Bell (ghaëöä-püjä):
• While offering the bell a flower petal dipped in candana, chant:
ete gandha-puñpe oà jaya-dhvani-mantra-matäù svähä
• Now affix the flower petal to the body of the bell with the candana. Then ring the bell briefly with your left hand and replace it on the plate, all the while thinking of the bell as a servant of the Lord.
Then chant

O beautiful bell so dear to Çré Kåñëa, the God of gods, you embody the sweet sound of all music. Without you there is no auspiciousness for anyone.
(B) Worshiping the Lord’s Bathing Conch (çaìkha-püjä):
- While offering flowers and candana to the Lord’s bathing conch,

Now affix the flower petal to the conch with the candana, all the while thinking of the conch as a servant of the Lord.
(C) Worship of the Lord’s Seat (péöha-püjä):
• Using candana, draw a lotus-shaped maëòala with eight petals in the snäna-pätra & write the käma-béja (kléà) in the center of the maëòala.
• Meditating on the holy dhäma and your spiritual master, offer flower petals dipped in candana to the péöha.

Now ring the bell and offer flower petals with candana as follows:
1.ete gandha-puñpe (and the guru-müla-mantra)
2.ete gandha-puñpe oà gurubhyo namaù (for previous äcäryas)
3.ete gandha-puñpe oà sarva-vaiñëavebhyo namaù
4.ete gandha-puñpe om ädhära-çaktaye namaù
5.ete gandha-puñpe om anantäya namaù
6.ete gandha-puñpe oà goloka-dhämne namaù
[C] Worship of Sri Guru & Param Guru (bähya-püjä):
He who first worships the spiritual master and then worships Me [Bhagavän] attains perfection. Otherwise one’s worship is fruitless. He who worships someone else before worshiping the guru attains simply misfortune. His worship is useless. [Hari-bhakti-viläsa 4.344 – 345]
• Chant the prema-dhvani for your spiritual master (jaya oà viñëupäda [name of your spiritual master] ké jaya).
Worship of the Spiritual Master with Articles (bähya-püjä)
• Take a dampened cloth or piece of cotton and clean his picture, then dry with another cloth or piece of cotton wool
• Anoint his forehead with sandalwood paste (candana).
• Offer a flower or some flower petals to his lotus feet.
• You may also put a Tulasi leaf in his hand to offer to the Lord.
• Chant the guru-müla-mantra and guru-gäyatré (the second and third guru-given mantras) silently ten times each.
• Offer glorification with the following verses, meditating on their meaning:
säkñäd-dharitvena samasta-çästrair
uktas tathä bhävyata eva sadbhiù
kintu prabhor yaù priya eva tasya
vande guroù çré-caraëäravindam
yasya prasädäd bhagavat-prasädo
yasyäprasädän na gatiù kuto ‘pi
dhyäyan stuvaàs tasya yaças tri-sandhyaà
vande guroù çré-caraëäravindam
yuktasya bhaktäàç ca niyuïjato ‘pi
vande guroù çré-caraëäravindam
• Offer obeisances with the following verses:
oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana-çaläkayä
cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré-gurave namaù
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
çrémate [your spiritual master’s name] iti nämine
jaya çré-kåñëa-caitanya ………..
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna …………..
Worship of Çréla Prabhupäda
• Chant the prema-dhvani for Çréla Prabhupäda.
jaya oà viñëupäda paramahaàsa parivräjakäcärya añöottara-çata çré
çrémad A.C. bhaktivedanta swami prabhupäda ki jaya!
Worship of Çréla Prabhupäda with Articles (bähya-püjä)
• Take a dampened cloth or piece of cotton and clean his picture, then dry with another cloth or piece of cotton wool.
• Anoint his forehead with sandalwood paste (candana).
• Offer a flower or some flower petals to his lotus feet.
• You may also put a Tulasi leaf in his hand to offer to the Lord.
• Offer glorification with the following verse:
tvaà gopikä våñaraves tanayäntike ’si
sevädhikäriëi guro nija-päda-padme
däsyaà pradäya kuru mäà vraja-känane
çré rädhäìghri-sevana-rase sukhinéà sukhäbdhau
O beloved spiritual master, you are always in the presence of the cowherd girl Rädhä, the daughter of King Våñabhänu. Please award me service at your lotus feet, which are the proprietors of devotional service. Please place me in the ocean of joy by bestowing upon me happiness in the mellows of service at the
lotus feet of Çré Rädhä in the groves of Vraja-dhäma.
Çréla Prabhupäda Praëäma
• Conclude the worship of Çréla Prabhupäda with his praëäma mantras.
nama oà viñëu-pädäya kåñëa-preñöhäya bhü-tale
çrémate bhaktivedänta-svämin iti nämine
namas te särasvate deve gaura-väëé-pracäriëe
jaya çré-kåñëa-caitanya ……
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna …..
[D] Worshiping Lord Caitanya (gauräìga-püjä)
• Take a dampened cloth or piece of cotton and clean His picture, then dry with another cloth or piece of cotton wool.
• Anoint His forehead with sandalwood paste (candana).
• Offer Tulasi leaves at His lotus feet.
• Offer a flower or some flower petals to His lotus feet.
Gauräìga praëäma
anarpita-caréà cirät karuëayävatérëaù kalau
samarpayitum unnatojjvala-rasäà sva-bhakti-çriyam
hariù puraöa-sundara-dyuti-kadamba-sandépitaù
Sadä hådaya-kandare sphuratu vaù çacénandanaù
May that Lord who is known as the son of Çrématé Çacédevé be transcendentally situated in the innermost core of your heart.
Resplendent with the radiance of molten gold, He has descended
in the Age of Kali by His causeless mercy to bestow what no
incarnation has ever offered before: the most elevated mellow
of devotional service, the mellow of conjugal love.
jaya çré-kåñëa-caitanya….
hare kåñëa hare kåñëa…
[E] Worship of Sri Sri Radha Vrindavan Candra (bähya-püjä):
Offer each item first to Lord Kåñëa, then to Çrématé Rädhäräëé.
• Chant eña puñpäïjaliù and the rädhä-kåñëa-müla-mantra, and offer flower petals to Rädhä and Kåñëa’s lotus feet.
1. Äsana
• Chant ime päduke and the deity-müla-mantra, and offer shoes to Their Lordships.
• Chant idam äsanam and the deity-müla-mantra, and offer an äsana for Their Lordships. Escort Them to a seat with a gesture of your hands.
2. Svägata
• Chant svägataà su-svägatam and the deity-müla-mantra, and with joined palms welcome Their Lordships and see to Their comfort.
3. Padya
• While ringing the bell, chant etat padyam and the deity-müla-mantra, and offer padya water to wash Their Lordships’ lotus feet.
4. Arghya
• While ringing the bell, chant idam arghyam and the deity -müla-mantra, and offer arghya to Their Lordships in Their hands so that They can sprinkle it over Their heads.
5. Äcamana
• Chant idam äcamanéyam and the deity -müla-mantra, and offer Their Lordships water for sipping.
6. Madhuparka
• Chant eña madhuparkaù and the Deity -müla-mantra, and offer cups of madhuparka to Their Lordships. (KEEP IT COVERED with cloth).
7. Punar-äcamana (2 times)
• Chant idaà punar-äcamanéyam and the Deity -müla-mantra, and again offer water for sipping.
** The above seven items of reception can be offered to Lord Gauranga and Lord Nityananda simultaneously or first all items can be offered to Lord Gauranga and then to Lord Nityananda.**
8. Snäna
• Mürti-çuddhi: Remove the Deities’ clothes and keep them in a seperate box without mixing them with the new fresh dress.
• Chant ime päduke and the Deity -mantra, and offer shoes to Their Lordships and escort Them to Their bathing place, the snäna-pätra.
(First keep the shoes of Lord near the snana patra and then shift the Deity in the snana patra)
• Chant esa danta kastha and the deity-müla-mantra, offering neem twigs to the Lord for brushing His teeth by holding them in right hand while ringing the bell with left hand.
• Chant idaà sugandha-tailam and the deity-müla-mantra, and massage Their Lordships with fragrant oil.
** Use a very small quantity of oil and massage carefully WITH BOTH HANDS to ensure that it is completely absorbed.**
• If the Deities are metal, polish Them with gopé-candana paste or almond paste, first rubbing it all over Their bodies with COTTON SWAB (avoiding the eyes and painted areas) and then wiping it off with WET COTTON.
1.While rubbing the body of the Deity hold the deity using a small handkerchief with the left hand. Do not touch the deity directly with left hand.
2.Do not put Gopichandan paste into the Lotus eyes of the Deity and on painted parts and do not change the direction of the Deity while rubbing.
3.As H.H. Radhanath Swami Maharaj has recommended: Rub the body of the Deity with Gopi chandan paste with the help of thumb while the other four fingers are placed around the body of the Deity. By rubbing in this manner adequate pressure is being applied on the body of the Deity which enables proper cleaning.
4.Make the Deity shine.
5.Again pour little water on the Deity.
6.Rub with damp cotton only so that the chandan paste can be removed easily from all the limbs of the Deity.
7.Do NOT WIPE chandan out of your HANDS with the cloth used for holding the deities. Either use your own handkerchief or use cotton swab.
• Chant idaà snänéyam and the deity-müla-mantra, and bathe Their Lordships by pouring water from the conch while ringing the bell and chanting the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra and/OR other appropriate prayers like Brahma Samhita, etc. (Kindly pour water directly on HEAD first and not on the lotus Feet)
• Chant idam aìga-vastram and the deity-müla-mantra, and dry Their Lordships with soft cloths.
Now, first take the shoes back on the table and then shift the Deity on the top of a handkerchief so that water at the base may get absorbed and then put the Deity back in the lotus slot.
** After drying the Deity completely, rub the body of the Deity with only DRY Cotton. Thus polish the body of the Deity with the help of thumb while placing the other four fingers around the body of the Deity TO MAKE THE DEITY SHINE BEAUTIFULLY.
9. Vastra
• Chant idaà vastram and the deity-müla-mantra, and offer fresh clothing to Their Lordships. (first put the dhoti)
• Chant idam äcamanéyam and the deity-müla-mantra, and offer äcamana to Their Lordships.
• Offer the Lord an upavéta, water for sipping, and ürdhva-puëòra tilaka before putting on His upper cloth, chanting, respectively:
idam upavétam and the Deity-müla-mantra;
idam äcamanéyam and the Deity-müla-mantra;
idaà tilakam and the Deity-müla-mantra.
idam äcamanéyam and the deity-müla-mantra
1.First put dhoti, then shirt and then skirt (optional & only to be put if it’s not too long; max till knees) then waist belt, then Uttari.
2.Dhoti should look very natural and not wrapped around the feet of the Lord. Lotus feet of the Lord should always be visible.
3.Uttari should be adjusted to reach till knees only and should be in front of the skirt. It should be adjusted so that it faces the front but too many pins should be avoided specially to hang it with the SLEEVES of the Lord’s Kurta.
10. Äbharaëa
• Chant imäni äbharaëäni and the deity-müla-mantra, and offer Their Lordships ornaments and decorate Them.
a.Choose a single set of jewellery only matching with the dress color. It will be containing necklace, waist belt, earrings, bracelets & anklets. Also, you can choose 1 or 2 more long beads, choker, etc for decorations.
b.Chant ‘imani malyani’ and deity mula mantra and offer flower garland to the Lord. The knot of garland should be opened and it should be adjusted to hang from shoulders till knees. The garland should be taken from inside the hand by adjusting some petals & not from outside the hand.
c.One long bead may be put inside the garland at this time if it suits.
d.Now put necklace above waist level and then choker around the neck of the Lord. Do not put more than 3 pieces of jewellery on Lord’s neck.
e.First put choker, then one necklace. Choker should be very close to neck while the necklace should be in between choker and waist belt. Necklace should never be hanging below the waist.
f.Then chant ‘imani malyani’ and deity mula mantra and offer flower garland. The knot of garland should be opened and it should be adjusted to hang from shoulders till WAIST ONLY. Use scissors to trim the petals, if reqd.
g.Adjust jewellery & garlands in a way that they do not overlap with each other or cover the waist belt. They should be placed symmetrically not haphazardly.
h.NEVER PUT BLU-TAK on HAIR or DRESS of the LORD although it may be used to put jewellery like ear-rings/anklets/bracelets on the body of the Lord.
i.The Crowns should be put above Lord’s eye brows and the belt should be adjusted before putting them on Lord’s head. Make sure that there are no HAIR in front of Lord’s eyes. Crown belt should not entangle in Lord’s hair.
11. Gandha
• Chant eña gandhaù and the gaura-müla-mantra, and apply candana mixed with scents, according to season to the Lord’s lotus feet and head. Only in Summer season, apply sandalwood paste on Lord’s forehead using a flower.
12. Puñpa
• Chant etäni puñpäni and the gaura-müla-mantra, and offer fragrant flowers or flower petals dipped in candana to the Lord’s lotus feet while ringing a bell.
• Chant etat tulasé-patram (for one leaf) or etäni tulasé-paträëi (for several leaves) and the gaura-müla-mantra, and offer tulasé leaves and maïjarés with candana to Lord Caitanya’s lotus feet.
NOW REPEAT STEPS 8 to 12 for LORD NITYANAND with His Mula Mantra
13. Dhüpa
• Chant eña dhüpaù and the Deity-müla-mantra, and offer incense to Their Lordships while ringing the bell.
14. Dépa
• Chant eña dépaù and the Deity-müla-mantra, and offer a ghee lamp to Their Lordships while ringing a bell.
15. Naivedya
Purifying the bhoga (some fruit and/or sweets and water) after putting the plate in front of the Lord.
Chant oà asträya phaö and sprinkle the bhoga with samänya-arghya water. Show the cakra-mudrä. Over drinking water show the gäliné-mudrä.
Showing the dhenu-mudrä, meditate on the food as amåta.
Chant the Radha Krishna müla-mantra over the bhoga (8 times) while showing the béjäkñara-mudrä; then protect the bhoga with the matsya-mudrä.
Place Tulasé leaves on the bhoga.
Chant esa puspanjali and the Deity müla-mantra, and offer flower petals to the Lord with both hands.(first for Srimati Radharani & then Vrindavancandra)
Perform the below 2 steps first for Srimati Radharani & then Vrindavancandra ji
Chant etat pädyam and the Deity müla-mantra, and offer water for washing the Lord’s lotus feet.
Chant idam äcamanéyam and the Deity müla-mantra, and offer water for sipping.
Perform the below 2 steps first for Vrindavancandra ji & then Srimati Radharani
Chant idaà naivedyam and the Deity müla-mantra and offer bhoga to the Lord.
Chant idaà päëéyam and the Deity müla-mantra and drinking water to the Lord.
• Begging to assist your spiritual master in his service, and begging the blessings of Lord Caitanya and Lord Kåñëa, chant the following prayers three times each while ringing the bell: Guru Pranati, Srila Prabhupada Pranati, Gauranga Stuti and namo brahmaëya-deväya…
• Chant ‘Brahma Gayatri’ mantra 10 times & wait for two to five minutes (either remaining seated, with closed eyes, meditating on the Lord enjoying his meal, or exiting the Deity room).
Perform the below 3 steps FIRST for Vrindavancandra ji & then Srimati Radharani
• Chant idaà hasta-mukha-prakñälanam and the deity-müla-mantra, and offer water for cleaning hands and face.
• Chant etat padyam and the deity-müla-mantra and and offer Their Lordships padya water
• Chant idam äcamanéyam and the deity-müla-mantra, and offer Their Lordships water for sipping.
• Ring the bell and chant idaà sarvam and the Deity-müla-mantra, and offer flowers to Their Lordships’ lotus feet. These flowers represent whatever additional items might be pleasing to Them.
• Put the flute near to the Lord’s mouth and put on His crown.
16. Praëäma (Offer respects, glorification and obeisances)
Silent Chanting of Mantras (mantra-japa)
Silently chant the gopäla–mantra and the käma–gäyatré-mantra ten times each.
With the following mantras offer the Lord’s prasäda remnants to your spiritual master and the Lord’s associates.
idaà mahä-prasädam nirmälyädikam and the guru-müla-mantra
Begging Forgiveness for Offenses (aparädha-çodhana)

May the mercy of Kåñëa and His devotees nullify all the mistakes we have made in our observance of the rules of worship and in our performance of the acts of worship. I now remember Kåñëa to nullify whatever faults there may be. [Sat-kriyä-sära-dépikä]
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