
SB 12.4.42

स वै मह्यं महाराज भगवान् बादरायण: ।
इमां भागवतीं प्रीत: संहितां वेदसम्मिताम् ॥ ४२ ॥
sa vai mahyaṁ mahā-rāja
bhagavān bādarāyaṇaḥ
imāṁ bhāgavatīṁ prītaḥ
saṁhitāṁ veda-sammitām


sah- — he; vai — indeed; mahyam — to me, Śukadeva Gosvāmī; mahārāja — O King Parīkṣit; bhagavān — the powerful incarnation of the Supreme Lord; bādarāyaṇaḥ — Śrīla Vyāsadeva; imām — this; bhāgavatīm — Bhāgavata scripture; prītaḥ — being satisfied; saṁhitām — the anthology; veda-sammitām — equal in status to the four Vedas.


My dear Mahārāja Parīkṣit, that great personality Śrīla Vyāsadeva taught me this same scripture, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, which is equal in stature to the four Vedas.

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