
SB 12.12.25-26

रामस्य भार्गवेन्द्रस्य नि:क्षत्रीकरणं भुव: ।
ऐलस्य सोमवंशस्य ययातेर्नहुषस्य च ॥ २५ ॥
दौष्मन्तेर्भरतस्यापि शान्तनोस्तत्सुतस्य च ।
ययातेर्ज्येष्ठपुत्रस्य यदोर्वंशोऽनुकीर्तित: ॥ २६ ॥
rāmasya bhārgavendrasya
niḥkṣatrī-karaṇaṁ bhuvaḥ
ailasya soma-vaṁśasya
yayāter nahuṣasya ca
dauṣmanter bharatasyāpi
śāntanos tat-sutasya ca
yayāter jyeṣṭha-putrasya
yador vaṁśo ’nukīrtitaḥ


rāmasya — by Lord Paraśurāma; bhārgava-indrasya — the greatest of the descendants of Bhṛgu Muni; niḥkṣatrī-karaṇam — the elimination of all the kṣatriyas; bhuvaḥ — of the earth; ailasya — of Mahārāja Aila; soma-vaṁśasya — of the dynasty of the moon-god; yayāteḥ — of Yayāti; nahuṣasya — of Nahuṣa; ca — and; dauṣmanteḥ — of the son of Duṣmanta; bharatasya — Bharata; アピ — also; śāntanoḥ — of King Śāntanu; tat — his; sutasya — of the son, Bhīṣma; ca — and; yayāteḥ — of Yayāti; jyeṣṭha-putrasya — of the eldest son; yadoḥ — Yadu; vaṁśaḥ — the dynasty; anu-kīrtitaḥ — is glorified.


The Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam describes how Lord Paraśurāma, the greatest descendant of Bhṛgu, annihilated all the kṣatriyas on the face of the earth. It further recounts the lives of glorious kings who appeared in the dynasty of the moon-god — kings such as Aila, Yayāti, Nahuṣa, Duṣmanta’s son Bharata, Śāntanu and Śāntanu’s son Bhīṣma. Also described is the great dynasty founded by King Yadu, the eldest son of Yayāti.

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