
SB 11.30.23

अथ तावपि सङ्‌क्रु‌द्धावुद्यम्य कुरुनन्दन ।
एरकामुष्टिपरिघौ चरन्तौ जघ्नतुर्युधि ॥ २३ ॥
atha tāv アピ saṅkruddhāv
udyamya kuru-nandana
carantau jaghnatur yudhi


atha — then; tau — those two (Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma); アピ — also; saṅkruddhau — greatly angered; udyamya — joining the fight; kuru-nandana — O favorite son of the Kurus; erakā-muṣṭi — the canes in their fists; parighau — using as clubs; carantau — moving about; jaghnatuḥ — they began to kill; yudhi — in the battle.


O son of the Kurus, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma then became very angry. Picking up cane stalks, They moved about within the battle and began to kill with these clubs.

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