
SB 10.56.4

स तं बिभ्रन् मणिं कण्ठे भ्राजमानो यथा रवि: ।
प्रविष्टो द्वारकां राजन् तेजसा नोपलक्षित: ॥ ४ ॥
sa taṁ bibhran maṇiṁ kaṇṭhe
bhrājamāno yathā raviḥ
praviṣṭo dvārakāṁ rājan
tejasā nopalakṣitaḥ


sah- — he, King Satrājit; tam — that; bibhrat — wearing; maṇim — jewel; kaṇṭhe — on his neck; bhrājamānaḥ — shining brilliantly; yathā — like; raviḥ — the sun; praviṣṭaḥ — having entered; dvārakām — the city of Dvārakā; rājan — O King (Parīkṣit); tejasā — because of the effulgence; na — not; upalakṣitaḥ — recognized.


Wearing the jewel on his neck, Satrājit entered Dvārakā. He shone as brightly as the sun itself, O King, and thus he went unrecognized because of the jewel’s effulgence.

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