
SB 10.47.9-10

इति गोप्यो हि गोविन्दे गतवाक्‍कायमानसा: ।
कृष्णदूते समायाते उद्धवे त्यक्तलौकिका: ॥ ९ ॥
गायन्त्य: प्रियकर्माणि रुदन्त्यश्च गतह्रिय: ।
तस्य संस्मृत्य संस्मृत्य यानि कैशोरबाल्ययो: ॥ १० ॥
iti gopyo hi govinde
kṛṣṇa-dūte samāyāte
uddhave tyakta-laukikāḥ
gāyantyaḥ prīya-karmāṇi
rudantyaś ca gata-hriyaḥ
tasya saṁsmṛtya saṁsmṛtya
yāni kaiśora-bālyayoḥ


iti — thus; gopyaḥ — the gopīs; hi — indeed; govinde — on Govinda; gata — focusing; vāk — their speech; kāya — bodies; mānasaḥ — and minds; kṛṣṇa-dūte — the messenger of Kṛṣṇa; samāyāte — having arrived and joined them; uddhave — Uddhava; tyakta — putting aside; laukikāḥ — worldly affairs; gāyantyaḥ — singing; priya — of their beloved; karmāṇi — about the activities; rudantyaḥ — crying; ca — and; gata-hriyaḥ — forgetting all shyness; tasya — His; saṁsmṛtya saṁsmṛtya — intensely remembering again and again; yāni — which; kaiśora — of youth; bālyayoḥ — and childhood.


Thus speaking, the gopīs, whose words, bodies and minds were fully dedicated to Lord Govinda, put aside all their regular work now that Kṛṣṇa’s messenger, Śrī Uddhava, had arrived among them. Constantly remembering the activities their beloved Kṛṣṇa had performed in His childhood and youth, they sang about them and cried without shame.


The word bālyayoḥ here indicates that ever since their childhood, the gopīs had been completely in love with Kṛṣṇa. Thus even though social custom dictated that they not reveal their love to others, they forgot all external considerations and openly wept before Kṛṣṇa’s messenger, Uddhava.

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