
SB 10.20.13

जलस्थलौकस: सर्वे नववारिनिषेवया ।
अबिभ्रन् रुचिरं रूपं यथा हरिनिषेवया ॥ १३ ॥
jala-sthalaukasaḥ sarve
abibhran ruciraṁ rūpaṁ
yathā hari-niṣevayā


jala — of the water; sthala — and the land; okasaḥ — the residents; sarve — all; nava — new; vāri — of the water; niṣevayā — by taking recourse; abibhran — they took on; ruciram — attractive; rūpam — form; yathā — just as; hari-niṣevayā — by rendering devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


As all creatures of the land and water took advantage of the newly fallen rainwater, their forms became attractive and pleasing, just as a devotee becomes beautiful by engaging in the service of the Supreme Lord.


Śrīla Prabhupāda comments as follows: “We have practical experience of this with our students in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Before becoming students, they were dirty-looking, although they had naturally beautiful personal features; but due to having no information of Kṛṣṇa consciousness they appeared very dirty and wretched. Since they have taken to Kṛṣṇa consciousness, their health has improved, and by their following the rules and regulations their bodily luster has increased. When they are dressed with saffron-colored cloth, with tilaka on their foreheads and beads in their hands and on their necks, they look exactly as if they have come directly from Vaikuṇṭha.”

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