
SB 10.15.15

नृत्यतो गायत: क्‍वापि वल्गतो युध्यतो मिथ: ।
गृहीतहस्तौ गोपालान् हसन्तौ प्रशशंसतु: ॥ १५ ॥
nṛtyato gāyataḥ kvāpi
valgato yudhyato mithaḥ
gṛhīta-hastau gopālān
hasantau praśaśaṁsatuḥ


nṛtyataḥ — who were dancing; gāyataḥ — singing; kva アピ — sometimes; valgataḥ — moving about; yudhyataḥ — fighting; mithaḥ — with one another; gṛhīta-hastau — holding Their hands together; gopālān — the cowherd boys; hasantau — laughing; praśaśaṁsatuḥ — They offered praise.


Sometimes, as the cowherd boys danced, sang, moved about and playfully fought with each other, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma, standing nearby hand in hand, would glorify Their friends’ activities and laugh.

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