
ŚB 3.4.4

अहं चोक्तो भगवता प्रपन्नार्तिहरेण ह ।
बदरीं त्वं प्रयाहीति स्वकुलं संजिहीर्षुणा ॥ ४ ॥
ahaṁ cokto bhagavatā
prapannārti-hareṇa ha
badarīṁ tvaṁ prayāhīti
sva-kulaṁ sañjihīrṣuṇā


aham — I; ca — and; uktaḥ — was told; bhagavatā — by the Supreme Lord; prapanna — of the surrendered; ārti-hareṇa — by He who is the vanquisher of the distresses; ha — indeed; badarīm — to Badarī; tvam — you; prayāhi — should go; iti — thus; sva-kulam — His own family; sañjihīrṣuṇā — who desired to destroy.


The Lord is the vanquisher of the distresses of one who is surrendered unto Him. Thus He who desired to destroy His family told me previously to go to Badarikāśrama.


While at Dvārakā, Uddhava was warned to avoid the distresses which were to follow the disappearance of the Lord and the destruction of the Yadu dynasty. He was advised to proceed to Badarikāśrama because there he could associate with the devotees of Nara-Nārāyaṇa, and in their association of devotional service he could increase his eagerness for chanting, hearing, knowledge and detachment.

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