
ŚB 3.4.36

कालिन्द्या: कतिभि: सिद्ध अहोभिर्भरतर्षभ ।
प्रापद्यत स्व:सरितं यत्र मित्रासुतो मुनि: ॥ ३६ ॥
kālindyāḥ katibhiḥ siddha
ahobhir bharatarṣabha
prāpadyata svaḥ-saritaṁ
yatra mitrā-suto muniḥ


kālindyāḥ — on the bank of the Yamunā; katibhiḥ — a few; siddhe — being so passed; ahobhiḥ — days; bharata-ṛṣabha — O best of the Bharata dynasty; prāpadyata — reached; svaḥ-saritam — the celestial water of the Ganges; yatra — where; mitrā-sutaḥ — the son of Mitrā; muniḥ — sage.


After passing a few days on the bank of the river Yamunā, Vidura, the self-realized soul, reached the bank of the Ganges, where the great sage Maitreya was situated.



Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Third Canto, Fourth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Vidura Approaches Maitreya.”

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