
ŚB 1.4.21

तत्रर्ग्वेदधर: पैल: सामगो जैमिनि: कवि: ।
वैशम्पायन एवैको निष्णातो यजुषामुत ॥ २१ ॥
tatrarg-veda-dharaḥ pailaḥ
sāmago jaiminiḥ kaviḥ
vaiśampāyana evaiko
niṣṇāto yajuṣām uta


tatra — thereupon; ṛg-veda-dharaḥ — the professor of the Ṛg Veda; pailaḥ — the ṛṣi named Paila; sāma-gaḥ — that of the Sāma Veda; jaiminiḥ — the ṛṣi named Jaimini; kaviḥ — highly qualified; vaiśampāyanaḥ — the ṛṣi named Vaiśampāyana; eva — only; ekaḥ — alone; niṣṇātaḥ — well versed; yajuṣām — of the Yajur Veda; uta — glorified.


After the Vedas were divided into four divisions, Paila Ṛṣi became the professor of the Ṛg Veda, Jaimini the professor of the Sāma Veda, and Vaiśampāyana alone became glorified by the Yajur Veda.


The different Vedas were entrusted to different learned scholars for development in various ways.

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