Song Name: Atma Nivedana Tuwa Pade
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Saranagati (Section: Atma Nivedana Song 8)
ātma-nivedana, tuwā pade kori’,
hoinu parama sukhī
duḥkha dūre gelo, cintā nā rohilo,
caudike ānanda dekhi
aśoka-abhoya, amṛta-ādhāra,
tomāra caraṇa-dwaya
tāhāte ekhona, viśrāma labhiyā
chāḍinu bhavera bhoya
tomāra saṁsāre, koribo sevana,
nāhibo phalera bhāgī
tava sukha jāhe, koribo jatana,
ho’ye pade anurāgī
tomāra sevāya, duḥkha hoya jato,
se-o to’ parama sukha
sevā-sukha-duḥkha, parama sampada,
nāśaye avidyā-duḥkha
pūrva itihāsa, bhulinu sakala,
sevā-sukha pe’ye mane
āmi to’ tomāra, tumi to’ āmāra,
ki kāja apara dhane
bhakativinoda, ānande ḍubiyā,
tomāra sevāra tare
saba ceṣṭā kore, tava icchā-mato,
thākiyā tomāra ghare
1) I have become supremely joyful by surrendering myself at Your holy feet. Unhappiness has gone away, and there are no more anxieties. I see joy in all directions.
2) Your two lotus feet are reservoirs of immortal nectar where one may live free from sorrow and fear. I have found peace there now and have given up the fear of worldly existence.
3) I shall render service in Your household and not endeavor to enjoy the fruits of that service, but rather I shall strive for whatever pleases You, fully devoted to Your lotus feet.
4) Troubles encountered in Your service shall be the cause of great happiness, for in Your devotional service joy and sorrow are equally great riches. Both destroy the misery of ignorance.
5) I have completely forgotten all past history by feeling great joy in my mind. I am most certainly Yours, and You are indeed mine. What need is there of any other treasure?
6) Bhaktivinoda, diving into the ocean of bliss, devotes all his efforts for Your service and dwells in Your house according to Your wishes.
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