SB 11.21.33-34
तस्यान्त इह भूयास्म महाशाला महाकुला: ॥ ३३ ॥
एवं पुष्पितया वाचा व्याक्षिप्तमनसां नृणाम् ।
मानिनां चातिलुब्धानां मद्वार्तापि न रोचते ॥ ३४ ॥
gatvā raṁsyāmahe divi
tasyānta iha bhūyāsma
mahā-śālā mahā-kulāḥ
vyākṣipta-manasāṁ nṛṇām
mānināṁ cāti-lubdhānāṁ
mad-vārtāpi na rocate
iṣṭvā — offering sacrifice; iha — in this world; devatāḥ — to the demigods; yajñaiḥ — by our sacrifices; gatvā — going; raṁsyāmahe — we shall enjoy; divi — in heaven; tasya — of that enjoyment; ante — at the end; iha — on this earth; bhūyāsmaḥ — we shall become; mahā-śālāḥ — great householders; mahā-kulāḥ — members of aristocratic families; evam — thus; puṣpitayā — by the flowery; vācā — words; vyākṣipta-manasām — for those whose minds are bewildered; nṛṇām — men; māninām — very proud; ca — and; ati-lubdhānām — extremely greedy; mad-vārtā — topics about Me; アピ — even; na rocate — have no attraction.
The worshipers of demigods think, “We shall worship the demigods in this life, and by our sacrifices we shall go to heaven and enjoy there. When that enjoyment is finished we shall return to this world and take birth as great householders in aristocratic families.” Being excessively proud and greedy, such persons are bewildered by the flowery words of the Vedas. They are not attracted to topics about Me, the Supreme Lord.
Real pleasure is found in the transcendental form of the Lord, who is the supreme Cupid, engaging in pastimes of love in the spiritual world. Neglecting the eternal bliss of the Lord’s pastimes, the foolish worshipers of the demigods dream of becoming like the Lord, but they achieve exactly the opposite result. In other words, they continue perpetually in the cycle of birth and death.
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