SB 12.11.41
अथांशु: कश्यपस्तार्क्ष्य ऋतसेनस्तथोर्वशी ।
विद्युच्छत्रुर्महाशङ्ख: सहोमासं नयन्त्यमी ॥ ४१ ॥
विद्युच्छत्रुर्महाशङ्ख: सहोमासं नयन्त्यमी ॥ ४१ ॥
athāṁśuḥ kaśyapas tārkṣya
ṛtasenas tathorvaśī
vidyucchatrur mahāśaṅkhaḥ
saho-māsaṁ nayanty amī
ṛtasenas tathorvaśī
vidyucchatrur mahāśaṅkhaḥ
saho-māsaṁ nayanty amī
atha — then; aṁśuḥ kaśyapaḥ tārkṣyaḥ — Aṁśu, Kaśyapa and Tārkṣya; ṛtasenaḥ — Ṛtasena; tathā — and; urvaśī — Urvaśī; vidyucchatruḥ mahāśaṅkhaḥ — Vidyucchatru and Mahāśaṅkha; sahaḥ-māsam — the month of Sahas (Mārgaśīrṣa); nayanti — rule; amī — these.
Aṁśu as the sun-god, Kaśyapa as the sage, Tārkṣya as the Yakṣa, Ṛtasena as the Gandharva, Urvaśī as the Apsarā, Vidyucchatru as the Rākṣasa and Mahāśaṅkha as the Nāga rule the month of Sahas.
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