
ŚB 3.1.28

प्रद्युम्न आस्ते सुखमङ्ग वीर: ।
यं रुक्‍मिणी भगवतोऽभिलेभे
आराध्य विप्रान् स्मरमादिसर्गे ॥ २८ ॥
kaccid varūthādhipatir yadūnāṁ
pradyumna āste sukham aṅga vīraḥ
yaṁ rukmiṇī bhagavato ’bhilebhe
ārādhya viprān smaram ādi-sarge


kaccit — whether; varūtha — of the military; adhipatiḥ — commander in chief; yadūnām — of the Yadus; pradyumnaḥ — the son of Kṛṣṇa named Pradyumna; āste — is; sukham — happy; aṅga — O Uddhava; vīraḥ — the great warrior; yam — whom; rukmiṇī — the wife of Kṛṣṇa named Rukmiṇī; bhagavataḥ — from the Personality of Godhead; abhilebhe — got as a prize; ārādhya — pleasing; viprān — brāhmaṇas; smaram — Cupid (Kāmadeva); ādi-sarge — in his previous life.


O Uddhava, please tell me, How is Pradyumna, the commander in chief of the Yadus, who was Cupid in a former life? Rukmiṇī bore him as her son from Lord Kṛṣṇa, by the grace of brāhmaṇas whom she pleased.


According to Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī, Smara (Cupid, or Kāmadeva) is one of the eternal associates of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Jīva Gosvāmī has explained this very elaborately in his treatise Kṛṣṇa-sandarbha.

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