
SB 4.8.31

मुनय: पदवीं यस्य नि:सङ्गेनोरुजन्मभि: ।
न विदुर्मृगयन्तोऽपि तीव्रयोगसमाधिना ॥ ३१ ॥

munayaḥ — great sages; padavīm — path; yasya — whose; niḥsaṅgena — by detachment; uru-janmabhiḥ — after many births; na — never; viduḥ — understood; mṛgayantaḥ — searching for; अपि — certainly; tīvra-yoga — severe austerities; samādhinā — by trance.


Nārada Muni continued: After trying this process for many, many births and remaining unattached to material contamination, placing themselves continually in trance and executing many types of austerities, many mystic yogīs were unable to find the end of the path of God realization.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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