
SB 4.7.21

हासावलोककलया रमयंश्च विश्वम् ।
श्वेतातपत्रशशिनोपरि रज्यमान: ॥ २१ ॥

vakṣasi — on the chest; adhiśrita — situated; vadhūḥ — a woman (the goddess of fortune, Lakṣmī); vana-mālī — garlanded with forest flowers; udāra — beautiful; hāsa — smiling; avaloka — glance; kalayā — with a small part; ramayan — pleasing; ca — and; viśvam — the whole world; pārśva — side; bhramat — moving back and forth; vyajana-cāmara — white yak-tail hair for fanning; rāja-haṁsaḥ — swan; śveta-ātapatra-śaśinā — with a white canopy like the moon; upari — above; rajyamānaḥ — looking beautiful.a


Lord Viṣṇu looked extraordinarily beautiful because the goddess of fortune and a garland were situated on His chest. His face was beautifully decorated with a smiling attitude which can captivate the entire world, especially the devotees. Fans of white hair appeared on both sides of the Lord like white swans, and the white canopy overhead looked like the moon.


The smiling face of Lord Viṣṇu is pleasing to the whole world. Not only devotees but even nondevotees are attracted by such a smile. This verse nicely describes how the sun, moon, eight-petaled lotus flower and humming black bees were represented by the fans of hair, the overhead canopy, the moving earrings on both sides of His face, and His blackish hair. All together, accompanied by the conchshell, wheel, club, lotus flower, bow, arrows, shield and sword in His hands, these presented a grand and beautiful audience for Lord Viṣṇu which captivated all the demigods there, including Dakṣa and Lord Brahmā.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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