SB 4.5.19
जुह्वत: स्रुवहस्तस्य श्मश्रूणि भगवान् भव: ।
भृगोर्लुलुञ्चे सदसि योऽहसच्छ्मश्रु दर्शयन् ॥ १९ ॥
भृगोर्लुलुञ्चे सदसि योऽहसच्छ्मश्रु दर्शयन् ॥ १९ ॥
juhvataḥ — offering sacrificial oblations; sruva-hastasya — with the sacrificial ladle in his hand; śmaśrūṇi — the mustache; bhagavān — the possessor of all opulences; bhavaḥ — Vīrabhadra; bhṛgoḥ — of Bhṛgu Muni; luluñce — tore out; sadasi — in the midst of the assembly; यः — who (Bhṛgu Muni); ahasat — had smiled; śmaśru — his mustache; darśayan — showing.
Vīrabhadra tore off the mustache of Bhṛgu, who was offering the sacrificial oblations with his hands in the fire.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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