SB 12.9.17-18
यादोभिर्भक्ष्यते क्वापि स्वयमन्योन्यघातिभि: ॥ १७ ॥
क्वचिच्छोकं क्वचिन्मोहं क्वचिद्दु:खं सुखं भयम् ।
क्वचिन्मृत्युमवाप्नोति व्याध्यादिभिरुतार्दित: ॥ १८ ॥
kvacit — sometimes; magnaḥ — drowning; mahā-āvarte — in a great whirlpool; taralaiḥ — by the waves; tāḍitaḥ — beaten; kvacit — sometimes; yādobhiḥ — by the aquatic monsters; bhakṣyate — he was threatened with being eaten; kva अपि — sometimes; svayam — himself; anyonya — each other; ghātibhiḥ — attacking; kvacit — sometimes; śokam — depression; kvacit — sometimes; moham — bewilderment; kvacit — sometimes; duḥkham — misery; sukham — happiness; bhayam — fear; kvacit — sometimes; mṛtyum — death; avāpnoti — he experienced; vyādhi — by disease; ādibhiḥ — and other pains; uta — also; arditaḥ — distressed.
At times he was engulfed by the great whirlpools, sometimes he was beaten by the mighty waves, and at other times the aquatic monsters threatened to devour him as they attacked one another. Sometimes he felt lamentation, bewilderment, misery, happiness or fear, and at other times he experienced such terrible illness and pain that he felt himself dying.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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